Comedy Sketch Town Presents is a sketch and improv series. Each month, new scenes with a new theme.
This May we explore Growth – growing up, growing pains, and growing weed in your community garden plot. This month we believe that biggerer is betterer and large is in charge. So drop your alien sponges in water and feed your Bob Ross Chia Pets – it’s time to grow into our show.
Comedy Sketch Town features members from The Phlegm Fatales, The Making-Box Brigade, Second City Touring Company and Bad Dog Featured Players. The month’s cast is: Emma Currie, Hayley Kellett, Rob Lewin, Jay Reid and Emily Vance.
Accessibility: The Main Space at Silence is wheelchair-accessible (34″ clearance on doors) however there are no automatic doors. There is an accessible all-gender single-stall bathroom, with a round knob on the door. The show may make use of flashing lights and loud noises.