The Earth and Ether Trio – SA (Stacey) Bliss, Reza Yazdanpanah, and James Harley – met in Perce, QC at the IICSI’s Summer Institute (Internaional Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation). There they spent time exploring combinations of sounds and improv together in Perce’s pristine landscapes near ‘The Rock’.
The Trio is reconvening for a sounding experience and concert in Guelph at Silence on Sunday, Dec 1, 2019. They are ready to re-connect and be playful together in sound and music. The mysterious sounds of Stacey’s planetary Gongs (Paiste – Platonic Year and Planet Uranus) as well as earthiness of Reza’s Iranian Tar intermingle with the etheric sounds of James’ digital in-the-moment compositions. Wooya!
The Earth and Ether Trio hope to see you at Silence for some sublime sounds.