January 4-31, 2020Opening reception:
January 10, 2020
A new art exhibition is now on the walls of Silence. Stop by during gallery hours to see Point/Counterpoint: The Jazz of Landscape and the Landscape of Jazz!
Sharyn Seibert is a seasoned Guelph professional in the art and design fields as a decorator, artist and educator, having taught at GCVI for 23 years. She believes in the magical healing power of nature and creates paintings that communicate the wonder and beauty of the natural world. Acrylic, oil, urethane and paint pen are the media used to convey the richness and variety of her landscapes. She takes almost daily hikes into untamed lands, with canvases and art materials, sketching and painting in all seasons. For the past two years her art has focussed on the Ontario Reformatory grounds on York Road. Most recently she has been painting abstracts based on sketching at live jazz concerts.
She has a Bachelor of Arts from University of Waterloo and has studied fine art and design at the University of Toronto, University of Guelph, McMaster University, Lakehead University, University of Western Ontario, and the Michael John Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy. She is also a graduate of the Interior Decorating course at Sheridan College. She says welding courses at Conestoga College were the scariest courses she’s ever done. Sharyn travels extensively and is certified as a travel consultant with the Travel Industry Council of Ontario. She has led many art and culture trips to Italy where she has become a specialist in Renaissance art. Sharyn takes great joy in mentoring travellers, creating art and travel journals that include sketches, paintings and writing about their trips.
Recently, she has delved into scientific studies dealing with the spiritual, psychological and physiological effects of being out in nature.
Gallery hours:
Tues-Thurs 12-4pm
or by appointment (info@silencesounds.ca)