October 13, 2019

༽ Everyday Ago
༽ ༽ Sarah Pagé
༽ ༽ ༽ Joni Void
༽ ༽ ༽ ༽ Hymns57
༼ ༼ ༼ ༼ ༼ Silence – 46 Essex St.
༼ ༼ ༼ ༼ 10$ / Pay What You Can
༼ ༼ ༼ Doors: 8pm / Show: 8:30pm
༼ ༼ Gender-Neutral washrooms
༼ No oppressive behaviour tolerated
Sarah Pagé (The Barr Brothers, Lhasa de Sela, Esmerine and more…) presents her solo debut album of experimental Harp compositions, Dose Curves, to be released on October 11th on Halifax label Backward Music – a mesmerizing sonic journey through a five-track suite, that is also experienced as an equally entrancing and stunning live performance. For the occasion, she will be presenting an album launch tour in selected Canadian cities, accompanied by Joni Void, who will be properly touring his recent Constellation Records album, Mise en Abyme – an introspective, emotional time-travel experiment and “avant-electronic” sound collage, a multi-fold puzzle of samples & field-recordings amid electronic rhythms and intoxicating vocals – such as those of Sarah Pagé highlighted in a song. On that occasion, the pair will also be presenting some collaborative material, as their new duo project “Page Vide”.
Dose Curves: https://sarahpage.bandcamp.com/album/dose-curves-2
Mise en Abyme: https://jonivoid.bandcamp.com/album/mise-en-abyme