April 24 – May 18, 2018
Erik, as a furniture design/maker, began his work by apprenticing with aEuropean master cabinetmaker, and continues to be influenced by the Dutchdesign movement “de Stijl”.
He was born in den Haag, Holland, and grew up in a multilingual household inabout 18 locations in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. His furniture work is indaily use in Ireland, Greece, and Canada.
The works of art on display at Silence, which Erik refers to as his ‘Sunday afternoon diversions’, are generally themed by current issues which bug the maker – donating the proceeds to Wellington Water Watchers seems a good fit for these questions about the environment, equality and other human issues.
All the craft “Playroom” pieces are made from diverted landfill, with the exception of necessary adhesives, some art supplies, and the occasional use of hardboard or other backing materials.
Silence is located at 46 Essex Street in Guelph. Building hours are Tuesday through Friday, 12-5 pm. The event is free and physically accessible. Refreshments and a cash bar will be available. For more information about Erik visit http://metrikstudio.com.